The Outcome of Sexual Freedom

Islam has prohibited fornication, and it is considered among the gravest sins. Islam has also forbidden all things that lead to it.

S. Qutub, may Allah have mercy on him, said(2): “Islam seeks to eliminate pure animalistic sexual behavior where one is unable to differentiate between one individual and another. It seeks to establish a lasting family, not a relationship which ends after the initial sexual encounter. It also seeks to establish relationships between both sexes on account of human feelings and emotions; a relationship in which the spouses’ hearts, feelings and bodies come together. They live their lives together and hold similar hopes, and bear similar pains, and seek out a future together. In this atmosphere, the new generation is raised, under the guardianship of both parents, and in an appropriate manner.”

In relation to this, there is a grave punishment for fornication in Islam. It is described as an animalistic relapse, which effaces all these meanings, and goals [mentioned above] and transforms a human into an animal. He would not differentiate between one woman and another, nor would a woman differentiate between one man and another. All a person hopes for is to fulfill his sexual desire. Even if he does differentiate between one and another, no goodness would result from this relation, and he may not be trusted or charged with the betterment of his (nation); no offspring or true emotions would result. True emotions have a lasting effect. This is the difference between lusts, passions and true emotions. Many do not differentiate between these things, and are confused in this regard. What many consider emotion is actually an animalistic passion! Islam does not bar one from expressing his natural emotions, nor regard them as lowly behavior. Islam only regulates, purifies and elevates it from animalistic lusts. Fornication, and promiscuity in particular, holds no such values, and is very distant from all feelings, emotions and ethical manners and sense of belonging and relationship. Islam regards promiscuity as the filthiest act in a human society. This practice would degrade man and equate him with an animal. In fact, there are many animals that live a decent and organized social life, far from the problems that arise from idolatry in some societies.

We will list some of the problems and evils that result from the spread of fornication within a society; and of these evils are the following:

  • Spread of fatal disease that not only harms the individual, rather, the entire society. Allah says: “And come not near to unlawful sex. Verily it is a great sin, and an evil way.” (17:32) The Messenger of Allah said: “O Muhajireen I seek refuge with Allah that you witness or are tried with five things.

    Unlawful sex does not become apparent among a people, except sicknesses and diseases which were not known previously spread among them.

    A people would not cheat in selling weighed goods, except that they would be punished with famine and drought, tightness in provisions, and a ruler who oppresses them.

    A people would not prevent giving out Zakah, except they would be prevented rain. And had it not been for the animals, they would never receive rain.

    A people would not break the pledge of Allah and his Messenger (s) except that their outside enemies would gain the upper hand over them, and take from them some of what they previously had controlled.

    “If the rulers do not rule by the Book of Allah, their efforts would be spent fighting and quarrelling with each other.” (Haakim)

    Doing evil takes away one’s honor and pride, and transforms him into an animal whose goal is to fulfill his desires. He inherits poverty, for he spends his money to fulfill his illegal lusts and desires. It causes one to feel great remorse in this life, and makes him liable for punishment in Hell-Fire. It also shortens one’s life, for doing these evils are unhealthy and would cause sicknesses in one’s body, which would possibly lead to his death.

  • Illegitimate children proliferate in society. Such children are deprived of the normal care and custody of real loving parents. As a result, these children lack the proper guidance and direction in their lives. Most of these children will be deprived of honest, truthful, and meaningful guidance. Consequently, these children would grow up holding the rest of society in contempt. Anna Freud, in her book, Children without Families, comments on the psychological disorders that cannot be corrected by a psychiatric specialist except with great difficulties.
  • Psychological disorders: Unlawful sexual relationships lead to many psychological diseases and disorders. People who practice and maintain such unlawful relationships develop unease, lack of personal happiness and satisfaction, inferiority complex, and guilt. Allah says: “And among His signs is this, that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who reflect.” (30:21)
  • Sexual confusion leads to moral confusion in society. It is a well-established fact that money easily lures people to do evil. Money also enables a person to get all that he likes in terms of pleasures and satisfaction. Thus, if those who are practicing unlawful pleasures lack the needed funds, they may commit any type of crime to satisfy their needs. Such individuals may steal, cheat, molest, rape, lie, deceive, or bribe to get what they want. They do not care where or how they get the needed funds, even if this is on the account of others.
  • The punishment of Allah descends upon communities wherein adultery and fornication are prevalent. The Prophet (s) said: “My Ummah will be in a [continuous] state of good affairs as long as illegitimate children do not become widespread within society. If this happens, the punishment of Allah would be imminent.” (Ahmed & Saheeh at-Targhib wat-Tarhib)